Customers are responsible for obtaining the necessary visas, permits, and travel documentsrequired for the tour. Wildvoyages is not responsible for any issues related to visas, permits, ortravel documents.
Customers are responsible for their own safety and must follow the instructions provided by thetour leaders.
Failure to comply with instructions may result in exclusion from the tour without a refund.
Wildvoyages reserves the right to exclude any customer from the tour if their behavior isdeemed disruptive or dangerous to other customers, tour leaders, or the environment.
In case of any force majeure events, including but not limited to natural disasters, politicalunrest, or transportation strikes, Wildvoyages reserves the right to modify or cancel the tour, andfees will be refunded accordingly. However, Wildvoyages is not responsible for any additionalexpenses or losses incurred due to such events.